Terms and conditions

Welcome to The Brand Boxx

Please make sure that you read the following terms and conditions carefully. These terms and conditions apply to www.thebrandboxx.com. This website is owned and operated by Blueskies Digital Solutions Limited based at 5 St. John's Lane, London, England, EC1M 4BH.

1. Formation of the Contract

1.1 A contract is formed between the two parties as soon as the client has accepted an offer from www.thebrandboxx.com.
1.2 All quotations are valid for a period of 14 days, during which the client has time to respond. Quotations will not be valid beyond this time frame.
1.3 The services shall begin from the date that the quotation has been agreed and shall last for the duration as is specified on the quotation.
1.4 All clients will need to create and access their own account www.thebrandboxx.com where they will be able to book repeat services.

2. The Brand Boxx’s Obligations

2.1 The Brand Boxx shall use all reasonable endeavours to provide the services and deliver the results to the client in accordance with the digital marketing services which have been specified on the quotation.
2.2 The Brand Boxx shall use all reasonable endeavours to make sure that it meets any and all of the performance dates which have been specified in the quotation. However, such dates shall be estimates only.

3. The client’s obligations

3.1 The client shall co-operate with The Brand Boxx in all matters relating to the services.
3.2 The client shall provide The Brand Boxx with all materials and any other information which it may reasonably need in order to carry out the digital marketing services which have been booked.
3.3 The client shall ensure that all of the client materials which is provided is owned by the client and the client has the permission, as the legal owner, to use these client materials in the provision of the services.
3.4 The client shall acknowledge that the late supply of any of the client material may result or impact the ability of The Brand Boxx to deliver the services.
3.5 In the event that there is a delay which has been caused by the client, then The Brand Boxx, its agents, subcontractors, consultants or employees shall not be liable for any costs, charges, or losses which have been sustained or incurred by the client arising directly or indirectly from such preventions or delays.
3.6 The client shall indemnify The Brand Boxx against all losses, costs or charges that it may incur as a result of any action, claim or threatened claim that The Brand Boxx’s use of client material in accordance with the contract constitutes an infringement of the intellectual property rights of a third party.

4. Charges and payment

4.1 The client shall pay all of the charges which have been specified as part of the quotation and these charges shall all be due in full and in advance of any of the services being carried out.
4.2 All our products are paid before receiving our services and carried out through our third party PCI DSS compliant payment service provider. Once an order is paid in full, you will see TBBBDSL, LONDON as the billing descriptor on your credit card statement.
4.3 In the event that invoices are not paid with immediate effect, then The Brand Boxx has the right to refuse to work on the project until the payment has been made.
4.4 Any additional work which is requested by the client and is outside of the scope of the quotation shall incur additional costs and this shall be invoiced separately.
4.5Clients may request up to two amendments on design based projects. Any additional amendments requested by the client shall incur additional fees.
4.6 In the event that the client believes that any design work which has been carried out by The Brand Boxx does not conform to the original brief then it shall notify The Brand Boxx within three working days. If no notification is received during this time frame, then the work will be deemed as acceptable.
4.7 All parties agree that The Brand Boxx may review and increase its charges at any time. However, if work and a quotation has been previously agreed then any wider amendments to Brand Boxx’s pricing shall not affect the client.
4.8 All refunds must be requested in writing and will be accepted at our sole discretion. Refunds will only be issued for the amount of work that has been done and full refunds may only be issued if the project has not yet begun.

5. Delivery

5.1 Delivery of our services can last from 1-12 months, and all customers will be advised on how long they should run our services to achieve the maximum results.
5.2 The timeframe and scope of Web Design & Development services may vary based on the chosen package and the number of pages required. Our Starter and Standard packages are typically completed within a span of 2 weeks, while the Premium package is usually finished within 3 weeks.
5.3 Upon the completion of the purchase, our team will promptly initiate order processing. We are committed to delivering a swift and efficient service, and you can expect the service to commence within 2 weeks from the date of purchase.
5.4 Our dedicated agents will make contact with the customer to confirm the initiation of the selected marketing package. Throughout the service duration, our agents will provide regular updates and progress reports to ensure that the customer remains well-informed.
5.5 In the event of any unexpected circumstances that may affect the delivery timeline of our service, we will promptly notify the customer and work diligently to find a suitable resolution.
5.6 Upon reaching the end of the chosen duration, our agents will inform the customer of the completion of the service. We guarantee that the marketing package will be delivered in its entirety as specified in the selected duration.

6. Cancellations

6.1 Customers are afforded the opportunity to terminate their accounts at any time.
6.2 The Brand Boxx retains the authority to terminate client accounts if we suspect a violation of our terms or for any other reason we deem appropriate.
6.3 Customers have the option to cancel an order as long as work has not commenced, though it's important to be aware that there may be associated charges.

7. Website design and development

7.1 When requested by the client The Brand Boxx shall design and build a website on behalf of the client based on a brief which has been agreed by the two parties.
7.2 All payments for these services shall be made in advance.
7.3 As soon as the website design has been completed The Brand Boxx shall provide a version of the website to the client for the client to review in full and approve.
7.4 If the client believes that the design does not conform to the original brief, then it shall let The Brand Boxx know within three days in writing.
7.5 The Brand Boxx reserves the right to refuse to handle any material which it considers to be offensive, illegal or controversial.
7.6 Unless it has otherwise been arranged in the brief, the client agrees that the Brand Boxx shall be free to use ideas and concepts as well as techniques in the construction of the client’s website for any reason whatsoever.

8. Digital marketing services

8.1 The Brand Boxx shall provide the digital marketing services which have been detailed and agreed in the brief with the client.
8.2 The Brand Boxx shall use all reasonable endeavours to improve the position of the client’s search engine results, however no specific placement or higher placement on a particular search engine can be guaranteed.
8.3 The Brand Boxx shall have no liability for any changes in position of the client’s website in search engine results, and the client acknowledges that The Brand Boxx has no control over the policies of search engines with respect to the kind of websites that they feature or content.

9. Intellectual Property Rights

9.1 Unless this has otherwise been specified in writing, all Intellectual Property Rights and all other rights in the deliverables shall be owned by The Brand Boxx, including the website and its URL www.thebrandboxx.com.

10. Limitation of Liability

10.1 The Brand Boxx shall not be liable for loss of business, loss of goods, loss of contract, or loss of use during the use of its services, including but not limited to the client’s website being made unavailable, or the loss of corruption of data or information or any special, indirect, consequential, or pure economic loss, costs, damages, charges or expenses.

11. Termination

11.1 Either party may terminate the contract either in writing or verbally if either party is found to be in violation of any of these terms and conditions.

12. Contact

12.1 The Brand Boxx may be contacted at [email protected].